Monday, December 22, 2014


Greetings from Osasco, SP!  We had a really good week down here!  Elder Guamangallo and I opened the area and it´s been a lot of building, but this week we´ve seen the Lord bless us and our hard work pay off.  Here´s some of the cool stuff that happened this week:

First off, we had an AWESOME mission Christmas party!  It was at the church owned camp in Caucaia, sort of the country of São Paulo, and it was beautiful.  At the party I got to see my original MTC district again, this time a year and a half later.  The ban on soccer was also lifted for a couple hours which made a lot of elders really happy.  We also presented our skit as a zone and it went great!  That was a lot of fun, although acting is a lot harder in Portuguese, haha.

Elder Guamangallo and I found a family this week!  They live on a street close to our house and as we were walking to begin our work for the day we struck up a conversation with the mom who invited us in to teach her, her husband, and her two teenage children.  They´ve all agreed to be baptized, which is awesome!  We have another appointment with them tomorrow and we´re hoping everything works out great.

We also taught a man named Marco, a referral from the orchestra concert at the church.  He´s in his fifties and has a young family and is totally open to anything about Christ.  We taught him about the Restoration and left a Book of Mormon, which he agreed to read with care.  We invited him to church and he said he would definitely come, as long as nothing came up at the last minute.  We agreed to call him an hour before church but when we tried to we found out that we had the wrong number!  We were a little worried so we said a prayer as a companionship and asked God that he would remind Marco of the commitment he made to go to church.  When we got to church he wasn´t there, which was disappointing.  I went to use the bathroom and when I came back guess who my companion was talking with in the chapel?  That´s right, Marco!  It was awesome!  The sacrament meeting was absolutely great, all about the Atonement, and Marco really enjoyed it.  He even read the Book of Mormon passage we left with him!  We´re excited for him!

That´s about it for this week.  Keep the faith!

Your friend,
Elder Carter David Morgan

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